Flag of Novorossiya

Flag of Novorossiya

Saturday, July 29, 2017

42 thousand DPR birth, marriage certificates issued since military conflict beginning


42 thousand DPR birth, marriage certificates issued since military conflict beginning
Friday, July 14, 2017 - 12:06

Employees of DPR Registry Offices' Departments have issued almost 42,000 birth and marriage certificates since the beginning of the conflict in Donbass, the DPR Justice Ministry, Press-Service reports. 

“DPR Registry Offices' Territorial subdivisions have registered 29,081 birth certificates and 12,757 marriage ones since November, 2014 and as of July 12, 2017,” said a representative of the DPR Justice Ministry. 

She added that the certificates issued during the period from April to November, 2014 are in a paper office of the Justice Ministry and at the moment are restored to be put into an electronic base. 

It should be noted that DPR civil state certificates' issue officially began in July, 2015. The first marriage registration was held in Makeyevka on July 29, 2015.   

Alexander Zakharchenko, the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) presented a marriage certificate to a newly married couple. 

Birth certificates' issue began in the DPR in July, 2015. 
DONi News Agency  


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Donetsk announces establishment of former Ukraine's successor state. Malorossiya appears on the map


July 18, 2017, will go down in the history books as a day when the territory called "Ukraine" finally ceased to exist. The Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko announced in the framework of the Donbass Forum in Donetsk the creation of a new state instead of the former Ukraine - Malorossiya.
The forum brought together delegates from 19 regions of the former Ukraine, most of them are the military, who have been protecting the country from neo-Nazis since 2014. The presidium of the forum included: the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko, the Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR Alexander Timofeyev, serviceman of the DPR Army Vyacheslav Gubin (call sign Batya Kharkovsky) and the forum secretary –adviser to the Head of the DPR Alexander Kazakov.
The Constitutional Act and the Political Declaration of the new state formation were proclaimed and voted at the meeting. Those are draft documents that will be supplemented and transformed in accordance with proposals from the regions. A special website will soon be created, where everyone who wants to live in a new way can express their own opinion about the structure of the state.
Declaring the establishment of Malorossiya, the Head of State emphasized that such a step was deliberated and aimed, first of all, at ending the war.
"It is very pleasant to see combat comrades, people with whom a lot of trials have been gone through, at this forum. I have never even thought that all these familiar faces are residents of Kirovograd, Odessa, Kiev ... No one has even asked where they came from. Today we have gathered to talk about the future of our land. Donbass itself decides its fate. For all those who are at the front and those who are in the rear this talk is very important. The war is ongoing for the fourth year. We see that the situation has not just stalled –it reached a deadlock. It is almost impossible to cut this knot. One of the reasons for this is the lack of an image of the future, understandable to everyone who, in one way or another, is involved in this conflict. This applies to the other side of the front, and Europe, and Russia, and the United States. But do we often say how to live after the war? This is the whole paradox: if we clearly answer the question of what we want after the war, we will most likely find a way to get out of it. Our today's talk is about this. Have we heard a proposal on how to end the war? Perhaps, only from Kiev, from the illegal criminal power. Their view of the future is as simple as that: first get access to the border, then kill us all, and live on. This is the concept of the Donbass 'reintegration'. Instead of this plan, through the General Staff and the war, we suggest a different plan. Plan for the reintegration of the country through the constitutional process and treaties. There is one more important fact why we should talk about this now. You know that not so long ago we have launched the humanitarian programme for the reunification of the Donbass people, within the framework of which we are helping compatriots from the temporarily Kiev-controlled territories of the Donetsk People's Republic. We have received a lot of reproaches from residents of other regions of the former Ukraine: "Are we not your compatriots?" "Will you refuse to help us?" I ask us: don't we have to help our fellow countrymen? We understand that the majority of Ukrainians suffer from the Bandera regime that has seized the country. I believe that we should help them, but not through the war, unless we are forced to do so by the Kiev authorities. We must build a new country together, in which the concepts of conscience and honour will not be forgotten. We must find a peaceful way out of the impasse.

Another programme of ours aroused interest – the integration of Donbass in Russia. More and more residents of the former Ukraine understand that the country is slipping into the abyss. The way out is to restore fraternal ties with Russia: economic, humanitarian and just human ones.
We offer a way out of the war through the re-establishment of the country. But this can happen only under several conditions. Firstly, the inhabitants of the former Ukraine must support us. I must say that we have already held consultations with a number of representatives of business and government. They support us. We will continue the negotiations.
Secondly, that part of the international community that is involved in our conflict must support our idea and act as a mediator. Besides, it is international players, institutions that can hold the Kiev regime from drowning Donbass in blood in response to our peaceful proposal. I hope that Western politicians have the honour and conscience (although I doubt it), and they will not exchange their vested interests for tens of thousands of innocent lives. The offer from the inhabitants of Donbass is the first and the last. I repeat, the last! It is backed not only by our armed forces, but also by our will to win!" Alexander Zakharchenko addressed the world community.
After that, the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic read out the Political Declaration.
“The project of the state of "Ukraine", formulated one hundred and fifty years ago and implemented in different versions during the twentieth century, has reached its logical conclusion and led to the country's disintegration, the civil war and the death of tens of thousands of people, including children, women, and elderly people. And this process is irreversible. An attempt to turn the story back will result in "balkanization" of the conflict, expansion of chaos, escalation of the civil war and even bigger number of casualties. 


To stop the civil war and avoid new victims, we, representatives of the majority of the regions of the former "Ukraine" assembled in Donetsk on July 18, 2017, discussed the current situation and came to the following conclusions: 

- the state of "Ukraine" has revealed itself as a failed state and demonstrated its being incapable of granting its inhabitants a peaceful and prosperous present and future;

- the current authorities – 'president' Poroshenko and the Verkhovna Rada – elected in Kiev after the coup d'etat against the backdrop of political terror and the absence of elections in the Crimea and Donbass, are illegitimate; 

- the state of "Ukraine" is on the brink of economic catastrophe and depopulation;

- an ultranationalist coup is brewing in Kiev, as a result of which outright neo-Nazis will come to power instead of "Banderites with a European face";

- as a result of the neo-Nazi coup, a civil war of all against all will begin in the country and cause its subsequent disintegration;

- the Ukrainian nationalistic project (the Galician one) has discredited itself by the shedding of civilians' blood in the country;

- the ideology of "Ukrainism" has proved to be misanthropic, mixed with xenophobia (Russophobia, anti-Semitism, Polonophobia) and neo-Nazism (the ideology of national exclusivity and superiority);

- resulting from historical development and due to the Maidan, the word "Ukraine" is forever associated with the names of the Nazi accomplices Bandera and Shukhevich, with the tragedies of the Baby Yar, the Volyn massacre and Khatyn, and, nowadays, with mass murders of people on the Maidan, in the Trade Unions' House in Odessa, and the Genocide of the Donbass people.

On the basis of the above, we believe that the state of "Ukraine" in the form it was established after the collapse of the USSR is UNSERVICEABLE.

We, representatives of the regions of the former "Ukraine", propose to re-establish the state and to proclaim the state of MALOROSSIYA under historical background out of the former "Ukraine". In this case, it is of fundamental importance to rename the country, since "Ukraine" as a state is guilty of war crimes, mass terror and genocide of its own people.

In turn, the new name of the country based on historical traditions will enable us to reunify those pieces of the former "Ukraine" that seemed to have parted ways forever, including because of participation in the civil war on different sides of the front line.
We must turn the page of our people's history which is flooded with the blood of our brothers and sisters.

Malorossiya is an INDEPENDENT, SOVEREIGN state with a new name, a new flag, a new constitution, a new state structure, new principles of social and economic development, and new historical prospectives. But this is NOT A REVOLUTION! This is a return to history. This is a novelty that restores, not destroys.

In view of the economic plight of the country, the chaos and disintegration potential, regarding the possibility of launching a "war of all against all", we consider it necessary to declare a state of emergency for the transition period – up to 3 years. During this time, the process of adoption of the new Constitution and the establishment of the rule of law should be completed.

Under a state of emergency, a ban on the activities of political parties and foreign funds is to be introduced, and penalties for criminal offenses, especially against the person, are to be increased. The fight against corruption will be toughened, as well as penalties for it. The shadow arms market is to be eliminated, including by registering weapons in accordance with the new law.

In the same period, an investigation is to be carried out with the involvement of foreign specialists – from Russia, Belarus, the European Union – into the crimes committed by the Maidan Kiev regime: murders on the Maidan, the murder of Odessa citizens in the Trade Unions' House on May 2, 2014, war crimes in Donbass in the so-called ATO.
In the same period, the People's Tribunal is to be prepared to charge the state criminals who have led the country to disintegration and civil war: V.F. Yanukovich (with a request to Russia for his extradition), P.A. Poroshenko and his clique: Turchinov, Yatsenyuk, Kolomoisky, Paruby, Nalivaichenko and others.
We are sure that, having recovered from the criminal neo-Nazi ideology of "Ukrainism", we will be able to build a new society on the basis of friendship and mutual assistance, but not hatred and envy. The creative genius of our people will manage to bring Malorossiya to the forefront of global civilization and play a role in history. The role of Good and Truth,” the document says.

The Constitutional Act was voiced by Alexander Timofeyev - Vice-Prime Minister of the Donetsk People's Republic.

We, the representatives of the regions of the former "Ukraine" (with the exception of the Crimea), declare the establishment of a new state, which is the legal successor of "Ukraine". We agree that the new state will be called Malorossiya, since the very name "Ukraine" has discredited itself.

The city of Donetsk becomes the capital of Malorossiya. The city of Kiev remains a historical and cultural center without the status of a capital city.

The flag of Bogdan Khmelnitsky (sample) is recognized as the national flag of Malorossiya.

Malorossiya is a multinational state, the state languages of which are Malorossiyan and Russian, while preserving the rights of regional languages.

Malorossiya is a federal state with a wide autonomy of the regions. The central government has to maintain federal budget issues (formed from the assignment of each region's established percentage), the army and special services, customs and the Central Bank, tax policy and ecology. The basic issues of education (standards) and medicine also have to remain under the supervision of central authorities, but with a significant regional component.

We proceed from the fact that the Donetsk People's Republic (along with the Lugansk People's Republic) remain the only territories of the former "Ukraine" (not counting the Crimea), where the legitimate authority is preserved.

- In Kiev, in February 2014 an unconstitutional armed coup took place;

- Donetsk did not recognize this coup and its 'legal' consequences;

- In the conditions of virtual anarchy, a referendum was held in the territory of the Donetsk region – the most democratic form of the expression of the citizens' will, on the basis of which legitimate, executive and legislative authorities were elected in a popular vote;

- Acting President Turchinov was appointed by the Verkhovna Rada in violation of the constitution. Elections of Poroshenko and the Verkhovna Rada in 2014 were illegitimate, since, in addition to mass violations and political terror (beating of candidates, intimidation of voters), several millions of voters did not participate in these elections (the Crimea, Donbass), whose participation was declared by the CEC in Kiev.

On the basis of the above, the Donetsk People's Republic considers itself entitled to initiate the re-establishment of the state that was formerly called "Ukraine".

The Donetsk People's Republic calls on the representatives of regional elites and civil society of the regions of the former "Ukraine" to unite in order to stop the chaos in the country and the civil "war of all against all", as well as the subsequent process of the country's disintegration. The DPR is ready to assume the coordinating role and ensure the safety of all the participants of the new constitutional process by efforts of its army and law enforcement agencies.

To this end, we propose to select from all regions representatives to the Constitutional Assembly (the principles of the Assembly of the Land) on a personal basis, where they will establish the country – Malorossiya, and adopt a new Constitution.

Official Declaration of the Malorossiyan Federation [Full text, 07/18/2017]

While preparing the new Constitution, we consider it necessary to rely on the following basic principles:

- Independent sovereign state;

- Territorial integrity, with the recognition of the legitimacy of the Crimean peoples’ choice (referendum);

- Neutral (non-aligned) military status;

- Reliance on values that are traditional ​​for our peoples, based on the Orthodox world view;

- Equality of all the traditional religions and confessions and, at the same time, opposition to sectarianism and totalitarian sects;

- Multi-vector economy, a ‘bridge’ between East and West, North and South;

- Resumption of participation in the CIS activities, ratification of the law on the membership of Malorossiya in the CIS;

- Accession course to the Union State of Russia and Belarus while preserving independence and sovereignty;

- Restoration of cooperation ties with Russia and renewal of cooperation with the EAEU; negotiations in the trilateral format of Malorossiya-Russia-EU to harmonize relations in the overall system;

- Preservation of visa-free travel (in case of the EU consent);

- Restoration of the industrial potential of the country; establishment of state companies in key industries;

- Prohibition on the sale of agricultural land; rejection of GMOs;

- Development of the system of people’s (public) control in the economy and politics, including as a means of combating corruption;

- Fight against corruption as a key focus; increased liability (including criminal liability) for corruption offenses; monitoring legislation to eliminate corrupt practices;

- Overthrow of oligarchs' power, including at the legislative level;

- Waiver of political parties as a subject of politics, transition to the personal representation principle;

- Introduction of direct democracy elements;

- Legal succession to the Ukraine “before the Maidan”;

- Repudiation of the Maidan authority’s debts;

- Renunciation of the increase in the retirement age;

- Freezing of utility tariffs and consideration of the possibility of their further reduction;

- The first employment guarantees for graduates of universities;

- Permission to keep and bear arms;

- Systemic denazification;

- Administrative and criminal liability for the propaganda of neo-Nazi ideas and glorification of the Nazis and their accomplices (Bandera, Shukhevich, OUN-UPA, etc.);

- Administrative and criminal liability or attempts to reconsider the results of the Second World War;

- Rehabilitation of the Soviet heritage;

- Restoration of the state celebration of the Victory Day on May 9;

- Regionalization of the memorial policy.

The Constitution of Malorossiya is to be developed and adopted in the original 
version by the Constitutional Assembly and then submitted to a nationwide referendum. This will be preceded by a broad public discussion at both regional and federal levels,” says the fundamental document of Malorossiya.

After the vote, in which the delegates unanimously supported the draft documents, Alexander Zakharchenko addressed the entire people of Ukraine.

"I have repeatedly said that not only Donbass, but Kharkov is ours too. We believe that other cities are also native, because this is our land! I, like many of you, was born in the Soviet Union, so this is the land of the big, great Motherland!
I was repeatedly asked by soldiers when we will go and return their land. I have always answered: friends, you helped us to liberate Donbass, we will come and help liberate Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa, Ivano-Frankovsk, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk. This is the beginning and the basis of a real combat friendship. People live in those regions as well, and the best representatives are fighting here today. These are those who opposed the Kiev regime, opposed the Bandera ideology.
I hope that our peaceful proposal will be adequately received, and not befouled," he said. The Head of State stressed that the reformatting of the former Ukraine did not violate the terms of the Minsk agreements and the Package of Measures for their implementation. On the contrary, it's based on the main principle of everything that is connected with Minsk – the peaceful settlement of the conflict.
The Head of State was supported by all the delegates speaking at the forum. Representatives of the regions of the former Ukraine once again stressed that they were not fighting against its inhabitants, but against the illegal Kiev authorities.

At the end of the forum it was decided that the next meeting would be held in a month. The participants will discuss in more detail the form and structure of the state of Malorossiya. By this time, the members of the presidium were instructed to conduct a series of negotiations with representatives of the regions, to develop new ties, and to collect proposals for amendments to the announced documents.